armchair cultural observation since 1995

On Rotation: Jason Anderson’s ‘Together, Apart’

“Scared to be together, afraid to be apart.”

If that line from Jason Anderson’s “Together, Apart” single sounds on the nose, it’s because he wrote it in March after canceling his tour.

I was introduced to this song and to the New Hampshire artist courtesy of Folkadelphia’s “Co-Mission: An Artist Relief Compilation.”

It’s been a long time since I was introduced to an artist on a compilation but Anderson has fit right in with my work-from-home soundtrack this week with his song celebrating some of his cherished unscripted moments in life before the pandemic.

In a note on Bandcamp, Anderson explains the background of the song.

“For me, large-scale crises like the current pandemic cast into much starker relief the ways in which we are all interconnected and how easy it is to forget that or take it for granted. This song was born of impending isolation, as I started thinking about my own search for purpose and community, especially during this new normal of social distancing. To that end, I made a list of some treasured unscripted moments—memories joyful and bittersweet—and those I spent them with, moments I would live again in a heartbeat if I could.

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