armchair cultural observation since 1995

Tag Archive for ‘The Wire’

The Wire “Rap” up


The Wire’s graveyard

An intrepid Baltimore photographer/blogger recently discovered that the soundstage for HBO’s The Wire was still standing and within 24 hours was in the dark soon-to-be demolished building firing away with his camera. Click HERE to see the intriguing but bittersweet photographs from his exploration. (Hat Tip: Slash Film)

2008 in review: Matt Ralph’s best/worst

The Best 1. Honeymooning in Montreal. As unforgettable as my wedding was, spending a week in Montreal with my best friend was even more memorable. Chocolate croissants served at our door every morning, afternoon hikes, delectable meals and long walks around downtown and along the water at night. Not to mention, no computers, cell phones, […]

Too weird for ‘The Wire’

The title above and sub-title of this article written by Kevin Carey and published in the Washington Monthly over the summer pretty much says it all: How black Baltimore drug dealers are using white supremacist legal theories to confound the Feds. It really is too weird for The Wire, which considering the fake serial killer sub-plot in season five, […]