armchair cultural observation since 1995

Tag Archive for ‘presidential election’

Elsewhere: Reaction from the right

The sane: “That victory is a hallmark moment in history for all Americans — not just for those who voted for Sen. Obama. As a nation, we will never think of ourselves the same way again. Americans rich and poor, black and white, old and young, will look to an African-American man and know him […]

Elsewhere: A case for each (and every) candidate

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. Chuck Baldwin, Independent Specific issues that are a concern of mine are the national debt, the devaluation of the Dollar, foreign policy and general economic issues such as right to work laws, taxation and the government’s involvement in the economy. I’m a proponent of the free-market which is not […]

An Obama presidency

Desperation about the way the election is going appears to have firmly taken root at Focus on the Family. A fictitious letter from 2012 posted on the organization’s political action Web site takes a look at what the country could look like four years after electing a secret Muslim friend of terrorists to the highest […]

Article: For morality’s sake

By Matthew Ralph If you surf the Web regularly, you’ve probably seen some of the videos floating around of backward McCain-Palin supporters at campaign rallies spouting off about Obama being a terrorist because of his “bloodlines” and various other nonsense. One of them hasn’t earned the nickname Heavy Metal Palin Lot for nothing. Another reminds […]

Elsewhere: 150 percent in the tank

Dave Brooks’ crush on Sarah Palin not withstanding, the latest proof that the New York Times is “150 percent in the tank” for Obama as McCain’s campaign likes to suggest, is HERE. William Ayers, a former member of militant ’60s group the Weathermen, is a pretty popular guy these days on article comments (usually thrown […]

Elsewhere: The Palin poll

When John McCain came back from the dead to run away with the Republican primary and Barack Obama outlasted the slash-and-burn tactics of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, I was hopeful that the 2008 presidential election might rise above the polarizing red-state/blue-state “culture war” campaign we had to live through four years ago. Surely, […]

Quotation: Moral instruction

“In our highly sexualized world, we have forgotten that the bulk of moral instruction that comes from scripture does not relate to who you sleep with or what happens in the event of an unwanted pregnancy.” -Will Samson, co-author of Justice in the Burbs: Being the Hands of Jesus Wherever You Live. This quotation is […]

Elsewhere: is our friend

For those of you keeping track at home, the McCain campaign is comfortably in the lead this silly season in the area of deceit. According to Farhad Monjoo’s count in this Slate piece, McCain’s camp has misled the public 22 times to Obama’s 12. That the number of lies piling up from both sides resembles […]